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City Beach | Solar and Battery Install


Last year we installed a solar and battery system in City Beach, Perth with 15.2kW of solar panels. We also added a 25.6kWh Sungrow battery with power outage backup using the Sungrow 10kW hybrid inverter. 

As the roof is close to flat we needed to ensure we used premium solar panels that are warranted for flat installs and we used Clenergy black racking for the perfect finish.

This solar installation in City Beach will produce an average of 65 units per day and provide the customer with almost complete energy independence.

Solar and Battery Install City Beach

Size of Solar System15.2 kW
Size of Battery25.6 kWh
Battery BackupYes
Energy Output Per Year24,400 units (kWhs)
Estimated Savings Per Year$5,000 – $7,000
Price Range$37,000 – $42,000
6 Month savings update

Today we’re checking up on our customer in City Beach to see how their solar and battery has been working. So far the customers has saved around $3,600 in only 6 months! They have also managed to keep the lights on during multiple power outages over the Perth summer.


Contact Us

Give us a call today and one of our friendly and knowledgeable energy consultants will be able to assist you with your enquiry.


1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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