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Solar and Battery Install | Cottesloe

We recently installed a Solar and Battery system for our customer, Tony, who requested the largest system size possible on his double-story Cottesloe home.

A 5kW Sungrow Hybrid inverter was chosen which can output 5kW max AC power (to home) + 6.6kW max DC power (to battery). With this simultaneous AC + DC power output capability, we were able to install 9.68kW of solar panels split North & West, including 5 panels on tilt frames.

With an oversized array of panels, the system can power the house and fully charge the 12.8kWh Sungrow SBR battery, even when it’s cloudy. For example…

We estimate this solar installation in Cottesloe will generate an average of 39 kWh per day and deliver savings of approximately $2,500 per year.

Solar and Battery InstALL - Cottesloe

Size of Solar System9.68kW
Size of Battery12.8Wh
Battery BackupYes
Energy Output Per Year14,300 kWh
Estimated Savings Per Year$2,000 – $4,000
Price Range$20,500 – $23,000

Take control of your energy! Contact Positive Energy Solutions today for expert advice and a tailored quote to suit your needs.

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1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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