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Solar and Battery Install | Kalamunda

Earlier this year in March, we installed this Solar and Battery system in Kalamunda for our customer, Mick. After receiving shockingly high electricity bills during Summer, Mick decided it was time to Think Positive and do something about it.

The 13.12kW of QCells panels are split North, East & West to spread solar power production throughout the day. The 10kW Fronius Symo GEN24+ hybrid inverter delivers that solar power to the home during the day, and stores the excess in the 10.2kWh BYD battery for later use at night.

This solar installation in Kalamunda can produce an average of 52 kWh per day and also provides emergency Backup Power during grid outages; not an uncommon occurrence in the hills of Perth.

Solar and Battery InstALL - kalamunda

Size of Solar System13.12kW
Size of Battery10.2kWh
Battery BackupYes
Energy Output Per Year18,980 kWh
Estimated Savings Per Year$2,000 – $5,800
Price Range$26,000 – $28,000
6 Month savings update

Today we checked in on Mick to see how his system has been performing. Despite being the wettest Winter in 28 years, Mick’s solar & battery system has still achieved $1,253 in savings over the last 6 months. With sunny Spring & Summer to look forward to, no doubt the next 6 months will deliver even higher savings!


Ready to save with solar? Contact Positive Energy Solutions today for expert advice and a tailored quote to suit your needs.

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1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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