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Solar and Battery Install | Shenton Park

We recently installed a Solar and Battery system in Shenton Park for our customer, Marek. The 6.6kW of SunPower solar panels are connected to a 5kW iStore Hybrid inverter and 10kWh iStore Battery.

We also installed iStore Power Optimisers with the solar panels, allowing us to split the system North, East & West, while also minimising losses from partial shade.

Unlike solar panels, it is best-practice to install inverters & batteries in the shade. So to protect these components from the harsh WA sun, we had custom made shade covers made for both the inverter & battery.

This Solar & Battery installation in Shenton Park will produce an average of 25 kWh per day and provide the home with solar power during the day, and battery power at night. In the event of a grid-outage, the iStore Backup Box will provide emergency backup power to essential circuits.

Solar and Battery Install - Shenton park

Size of Solar System 6.6 kW
Size of Battery 10 kWh
Battery Backup Yes
Energy Output Per Year 9,100 kWh
Estimated Savings Per Year $1,500 – $2,800
Price Range $15,500 – $19,500

Ready to save on your energy bills? Contact Positive Energy Solutions today for expert advice and a tailored quote to suit your needs.

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1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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