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Solar and Battery Install | South Guildford


We recently installed a Solar and Battery system in South Guildford for our customers, Clyde & Margaret. The 13kW of QCells panels are connected to a 10kW Fronius Symo GEN24+ Hybrid inverter; chosen for its proven reliability.

Excess solar power is stored in the 13.8kWh BYD battery for later use at night. The BYD battery has a modular design which can be expanded up to 22kWh if needed.

This solar installation in South Guildford can produce an average of 58 units per day and provide the home with solar power during the day, and battery power at night. In the event of a blackout, the system will switch to Backup Mode to provide emergency backup power to essential circuits such as fridge, lights, TV and internet.

Solar and Battery Install South Guildford

Size of Solar System 13.12kW
Size of Battery 13.8kWh
Battery Backup Yes
Energy Output Per Year 21,400 (kWh)
Estimated Savings Per Year $2,200 – $6,500
Price Range $28,000 – $32,000
6 Month savings update

Today we checked in on Clyde & Margaret to see how their solar and battery has been performing. In just 6 months, this system has already delivered over $1,500 in savings! 

Just as important, Clyde & Margaret stayed comfortable this hot Summer by running the aircon freely, but without the bill shock that usually follows.

Overall, we’re pleased to see this home in South Guildford is now 99% self-sufficient. 



Ready to start saving? Contact Positive Energy Solutions today for expert advice and a tailored quote to suit your needs.

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1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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