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Solar Management WA

Emergency Solar Management WA

What is Emergency Solar Management WA and how does it affect you?

Roughly 1 in 3 WA homes have now installed solar. As a result the WA State Government has introduced the ability to manage rooftop solar exports in emergency situations.

These situations arise when high levels of renewables are exporting power to the grid and there is not enough demand to meet the supply. This can cause instabilities in the power network and can lead to blackouts.

During an emergency solar management event where too much power is being generated, production from managed rooftop solar systems are turned down or turned off completely for a period of time. During these times households are able to use grid power as normal.

What you need to know

  • This level of management is only applicable to solar systems with a 5kW inverter and smaller.
  • For inverters larger than 5kW an export limit applies. The export limit is set at 1.5kW.
  • A smart meter must be installed to set the export limit.
  • Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is not to discharge electricity to the grid between the hours 10:00 to 15:00 inclusive and is not to charge from the grid between the hours 18:00 to 21:00 inclusive.
  • This capability applies to new and upgraded systems installed from 14 February 2022. If you already have rooftop solar this update does not affect you.
  • This procedure only occurs in emergencies to stabilise the grid.
  • It does not occur frequently, and was implemented as a last resort.
  • Customers will continue to have uninterrupted supply from the grid.
  • There is no option for new solar customers to opt out.
  • Adding a battery to your existing solar system is classed as an upgrade and will result in inclusion in the scheme.

These changes have allowed further growth to rooftop solar in WA and have allowed for the approval of larger solar systems thanks to export limiting.

If you have any questions please get in touch today!

For a detailed overview visit Synergy Solar Management WA.

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Give us a call today and one of our friendly and knowledgeable energy consultants will be able to assist you with your enquiry.


1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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