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Solar and Battery Install | Mount Helena


We recently installed this Solar & Battery system for our customer in Mount Helena. The 13.2kW of Canadian Solar panels are split over three orientations to provide a good spread of solar power generation throughout the day. Connected to a 10kW Sungrow hybrid inverter, excess solar energy is stored in the 9.6kWh Sungrow SBR battery, ready to use at night or during a blackout.

This 13.2kW solar system can produce an average of 52 units per day; enough to power the customers home during the day and fully charge his battery, even on a cloudy day. 

Should he need more energy storage capacity, the Sungrow SBR battery can be expanded up to 25.6kWh by stacking additional 3.2kWh battery modules.

Solar and Battery Install MOUNT HELENA

Size of Solar System13.2kW
Size of Battery9.6kWh
Battery BackupYes
Energy Output Per Year19,000 units (kWh)
Estimated Savings Per Year$3,000 – $5,800
Price Range$23,500 – $28,000

Ready to future-proof your home with a Solar & Battery system? Contact the team at Positive Energy Solutions for honest advice & a tailored quote.

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1, 59 Howe Street Osborne Park, Perth 6017


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